Admin User Requirements for "Footer"

Schema Overview

Key Functionalities

  1. Background and Text Customization
  2. Email Marketing Integration
  3. Legal Section
  4. Menu Section
  5. Social Media Integration

Fields and Defaults

Background and Text Settings

Field Required Default Description
Background Color Optional "var(--black)" Background color for the footer.
Text Color Optional "var(--white)" Text color for the footer content.

Email Marketing Settings

Field Required Default Description
Enabled Required true Toggles the visibility of the email marketing section.
List ID Optional Empty Identifier for the email marketing list.
Heading Optional "Stay In Touch" Title displayed above the email form.
Subtext Optional "Get the latest news and updates sent straight to your inbox." Text displayed below the heading.
Placeholder Text Optional "Enter your email..." Placeholder text in the email input field.
Button Text Optional "Sign Up" Text displayed on the submit button.
Thank You Text Optional "Thank you for signing up!" Message displayed after form submission.

Legal Section