Admin User Requirements for "Header"

Schema Overview

Key Functionalities

  1. Navigation & Menu
  2. Promobar Functionality
  3. Styling Options
  4. Responsive Design

Fields and Defaults

Navigation & Menu Settings

Field Required Default Description
Nav Items Required "Shop" Top-level navigation items with links and optional dropdown menus.
Menu Links Optional Empty Links displayed within dropdown menus.
Menu Button Optional Empty Call-to-action button in the menu drawer.
Menu Images Optional Empty Images displayed in the menu with optional captions and links.
Logo Position (desktop) Optional "left" Position of the logo: Options: left, center.
Products Slider Optional Empty Displays a product slider in the menu drawer.
Additional Links Optional Empty Links displayed at the bottom of the menu drawer.

Promobar Settings

Field Required Default Description
Enabled Required true Toggles the visibility of the promobar.
Autohide Optional true Hides the promobar after scrolling away from the top of the page.
Effect Between Transitions Optional "fade" Transition effect for sliding messages: Options: fade, slide-horizontal, slide-vertical.
Autoplay Delay Optional 5000 Delay between transitions in milliseconds.
Speed Optional 500 Transition speed in milliseconds.
Background Color Optional "var(--primary)" Background color for the promobar.
Text Color Optional "var(--white)" Text color for the promobar.
Messages Required Predefined message Sliding promotional messages with optional links.

Default Content